Saturday, December 4, 2010


Baptism never seemed to be something that I ever thought about, nor considered. It wasn’t until I moved to California and began my Berean classes that baptism really caught my attention. While reading through The Life and Teachings of Christ I came across a section on John the Baptist and

Baptism itself, and the meaning behind it. I quickly went to my roommate and asked her about it, she told me about her experience and why it is a good idea to be baptized as a Christian. I suppose I never considered baptism because I had been baptized as a baby into the Catholic Church, just the idea itself had never seemed to cross my mind. After reading more about it and talking more to my roommate I decided that this is something I wanted to do, I wanted to be baptized as a Christian. I wanted to be baptized in the ocean by Gary Garcia… and so I did.

On November 28th, 2010 I was baptized at Corona Del Mar, with four other friends. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. The sun setting on the Ocean, which eventually turned into dark, a group of close friends gathered to witness this important experience, what more could a person ask for. Although it was freezing, this is a night that will not be forgotten. Thank God for opportunities like this.

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