“I wish she was here… I still remember driving 180 down the street; running into the house and doing CPR on Kate… I remember holding my little brother telling him everything was going to be okay.” Its crazy how one phone call can completely shake your world. It could be anything from a relationship ending to a sick grandparent to finding out your going to lose your house. How about a phone call telling you that your little sister just hung herself? I can’t even begin to imagine. That short drive could not seem any longer, holding her lifeless body trying to bring it back to life could not seem any more hopeless, holding your little brother telling him everything was going to be okay could not seem any more terrifying, especially when you’re unsure yourself. Imagine how many regrets you would have in that moment, how many “if only I did this” or “maybe if this went differently things would have happened differently” but the one that breaks my heart the most is “this is all my fault.” I can’t stress enough how circumstances such as these are no ones fault, and it is a sad reality that most people cannot comprehend that. When tragedy strikes the first to blame is themselves. It is heartbreaking; don’t they have enough to deal with let alone putting all those burdens onto their shoulders? My respect is endless to those who have faced tragedies in their lives such as losing a family member, the strength that those people portray in inspiring. To be able to sit back and watch them go about their lives, trying their hardest to keep it together for their little brother, trying their hardest to wear that smile that is so familiar to everyone, trying their hardest to act as though everything is okay. I commend those people. I feel that those people are going to be able to go into the world and conquer anything that comes their way, any challenge they are faced with will be so insignificant to them because of the challenges they have faced at one time in their life. I know someone who fits in this category… lets call him M… he is person who has lost so much, but still wakes up each morning knowing it is another day, wearing that smile, heading off to work to make the best life for his brother possible. He is a perfect advocate of strength. “For when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great JOY, for you know when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” James 1:2-3 M uses his troubles, he uses his pain and finds beauty within it. He notices the beautiful things in life despite all he has lost. This is so amazing and I can only hope others would do the same, when your faced with a tragedy your life doesn’t need to stop, you must persevere and grow… find the beauty within your pain.
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